
Share Purchase To Become A Member

On approval of the application for housing and membership, the first step is to purchase shares at the cost of $1,000.00 to become a member in the corporation. The shares are $10.00 each and 100 shares must be purchased. If there are two or more people, it is considered a joint membership and only the 100 shares can be purchased per housing unit.

The next step is to sign the Housing Agreement. All persons living in the unit must be a party to or be named in the Housing Agreement. Regardless of when you move in, South Osborne Place reviews housing charges with a set date of February 1st annually for any adjustments to the housing charges.

Housing Rates & Charges

Housing charges include electricity and water. Extras are the cable tv plan that is added to the housing charges for everyone as it is a bulk plan for the building; telephone; internet; and parking if required. Housing charges are reviewed/adjusted annually on February 1st.

South Osborne Place Monthly Housing Charges effective February 1st, 2025:

One bedroom unit $929.00
Two bedroom, one bath $1085.00
Two bedroom, two bath $1243.00
Cable TV $45.00
Parking Stall $45.00